We teach skills to increase independence and success in their home, community, or school environments. Our work is person-centered, and that is where we generally start services: what does the person want in his or her life and how do we help him or her achieve those goals. Our assessments start with evaluating the current circumstances in various environments of a person’s life and culminate in a written assessment. The assessment functions as an outline of goals and appropriate steps for the team to take to meet those goals. At the end of the assessment period, we will discuss with the team our recommendations for ongoing services.


In compliance with local, State, and Federal laws, Multiplicity conducts State and Federal background checks on all employees to ensure that violations are reported to families prior to services being provided to minors.

Reportable violations include: 

Assault, Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, Rape, Bodily harm to a child, Cruel or inhuman corporal punishment to a child, and/or Corporal injury to another. 

Services provided include:

  • Assessments
  • Consultation
  • Intensive Behavior Support ​
  • School Contracts 
  • Private 
  • Supported Living Agencies 
  • Residential Facilities  
  • Independent Living Agencies ​
  • Day/Vocation Programs